More Vietnam

Created: Thursday, July 21, 2011

Vietnam has a lot to offer the adventure tourist, but luxury travelers need not apply. It is rough, gritty, and dirty by most standards. However, what it lacks in polish it makes up for in uniqueness and diversity. I loved Vietnam in the same way I love China. They both are developing countries with something amazing happening around every corner. Even though I've traveled extensively in Asia and lived here for a bit I still found entertaining surprises in Vietnam.

The people of Vietnam weren't amazingly friendly, but they weren't rude either. Many of them were occupied trying to sell me something, which is understandable considering the economic hardship most live with. The pan handling is easily ignored though considering all the great things happening around you.

The food in Vietnam is delicious. If you like spicy food then you wouldn't be disappointed here. I enjoyed the simplicity of most of the meals and found a lot of options for any taste or dietary restrictions.