It's A Kia, And It's Wicked

Created: Sunday, January 23, 2011

For the past few days I've had the luxury of driving in a number of Korean made cars, specifically Kia's and Hyundai's. I have to admit that I wouldn't bother giving these cars a second look back in the states, but driving in them here is Seoul has changed my perspective. These cars are cool, way cool. I see many models that understandably aren't in the US at the moment. However, if they were, I would think long and hard about buying one.

I heard from a coworker that Kia hired a BMW designer to help them redesign there line of cars. Maybe it's true, maybe it's not. However, whatever they're doing is working well in my opinion. The K5 and K7 are 5 series and 7 series knock-offs for sure, but they're good knock offs. The SK7, pictured below, looks mean and sits like a boss. I am excited about this line of KIA cars and look forward to taking one for a spin some day.

One last one, from the back.

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